Second Grade

  • Our Second Grade students at Roosevelt School are encouraged to work to their potential.  Students are given opportunities to be successful working independently as well as in groups.

    Students in Language Arts learn spelling words that introduce and practice different phonics skills.  Skills are practiced and tests are given at the end of each week.

    In Reading, there are a variety of different stories that develop skills and use reading strategies. Students listen to audio and use retelling cards to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.  Students meet in Leveled Reading groups for differentiated instruction and receive grammar lessons where they write about many topics including personal narratives, descriptive paragraphs, and picture prompts.  One favorite assignment has the title, “My Robot”.

    In Math, students use hands-on manipulatives to explore Math concepts.  They study addition and subtraction, geometry, money, measurement, time, graphs, and data.  Students enjoy solving problems and completing tasks and games in the Differentiated Math Center Activities.

    In Social Studies and Science, students complete various writing and art assignments that follow topics as studied.  In Social Studies, students learn about their community and study maps, geography, and the environment.  


    In Science, students study plants and animals. During Earth Science, students focus on Earth, land, air, water, weather, and the seasons.  A favorite topic of the class is Dinosaurs and Fossils.  Students make dinosaur projects that go on exhibit for the school to enjoy.